Manor Memorial

United Methodist Church

Service Times

Sundays @ 8:45am and 11:00am
(scroll down for more details)


9320 N Congress St.
New Market, VA 22844

Mission Project

90 Flood/Cleaning Buckets


Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry

3rd Thursday of every month
November thru March 1:00pm – 4:30pm
April thru October 1:00pm – 5:00 pm

About Us

We strive to be a church where there is constant prayer, abundant friendships,
spiritual worship and teaching and care for all God’s people. We strive to be a
contagious people working to influence and lift up God’s people, one person at a
time. We invite you to share this journey with us.


Join us every Sunday morning!

      • 8:45am  –  Casual Service in Farrow Hall     (coffee and snacks available)
      • 11:00am – Sanctuary and Online
      • We look forward to meeting you!



We ask that you keep our church, our community and our world in prayer.

To send a message or prayer request to the church office, please click the button below:


There are plenty of ways you can serve:

  • Donate clothing or household items to a charity near you.
  • Donate financially to our food pantry.
  • Donate to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)
  • Write cards to senior shut-ins or those in nursing homes.
  • Call a friend just to check on them and ask if you can pray for them.

There are lots of ways to reach out!